Supporting Children, Youth, and Families in Greater Vancouver since 1990
foster parent training

Foster Parent Support & Training

A specialized program providing in-home support for Foster Parents and Extended Families contracted with the Ministry of Children and Family Development (MCFD) and Vancouver Aboriginal Child and Family Services Society (VACFSS).

Using a Caregiver-centered approach, highly skilled individuals work one-on-one with Caregivers to assist them with the unique challenges of caring for the children in their homes. Upon referral to the program, the Caregiver, Resource Worker, Guardianship Social Worker and in-home support worker will agree on specific goals to be addressed. A service plan is established based on the identified family needs. Regular reports are completed to detail outcomes and to identify additional support needs as they arise. With completion of the established goals, the Caregiver and Resource Worker may choose to close the file or request an extension of service with new goals.

Hollyburn provides the BC Foster Care Education Program to all Foster Parents in the Vancouver Coastal region who are contracted with MCFD and VACFSS. This is a mandatory training program.

Caregiver Hub

Caregiver Hub Website is a centralized information hub for Foster Parents, Extended Families and professionals. The website provides information on:

  • Protocol Support
  • Referral Information
  • Training Opportunities
  • Community Events and Networking Opportunities
  • Legislation changes and relevant news/updates

Please log onto: To access some information you will require a unique password, please call 1-877-926-1185 to get the password details.