Supporting Children, Youth, and Families in Greater Vancouver since 1990


Counselling – Hollyburn counsellors work to strengthen relationships, improve communications, reduce family conflict, and promote resilience. We work with families to find solutions to common problems that occur across the lifespan.

Family Support and Training Programs – Hollyburn’s Family Programs offer a broad spectrum of parenting support and education options to address the many challenges that people face at all stages of life.

Foster Parent Support & Training – A specialized program providing training and in home support for Foster Parents and Extended Families contracted with the Ministry of Children and Family Development (MCFD) and Vancouver Aboriginal Family Services Society (VACFSS).

Therapeutic Care Homes – Hollyburn Family Services provides a range of residential services for children, youth and adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder or other pervasive developmental disabilities, and mental health challenges.

Homeshare – Hollyburn Family Services offers support to individuals over 19 years of age who have developmental, social or other challenges and would like to be placed with a full-time caregiver.