Supporting Children, Youth, and Families in Greater Vancouver since 1990


screen time for kids

Parenting Conflicts Over Screen Time for Kids

It’s common for parents to have differing views about screen time for kids. One parent may see this as a harmless way to occupy their child while they attend to other things in their adult life. This can leave the other parent playing the “bad guy” when it comes to setting time limits on video […]

parenting in the digital age

Parenting in the Digital Age

It can be hard to wrap our minds around this new digital world in which children are developing and learning. iPads, iPhones, smart TV’s and social networks were not the childhood pastimes of today’s parents. It’s not surprising that issues related to the use of these devices and social media have accelerated for young parents […]

how to talk to kids

How Do I Talk to My Kids About This?

It would be impossible not to know what is going on in the world right now, at any age. Many adults are glued to their news feeds as information is constantly changing, everyday gatherings are being cancelled or postponed, community spaces are closed, and some grocery stores look like something out of a bad zombie […]

how to live with your adult child

How to live with your adult child

With the rising cost of living in Vancouver, it’s more difficult for young adults to move out of their family homes. But as roles in the family home shift from parent to roommate, relationships are often strained as both parties struggle to navigate new boundaries and revise old expectations. When parenting books and experts offer […]


The problem of control: Co-parenting after divorce or separation

Our previous post discussed the critical difference between influence and control as parents seek to gain cooperation from their children. We can extend this to families adjusting to separation and divorce who face the question of how to parent cooperatively with an ex-spouse or partner.

parental control

Letting Go of Parental Control

Watching your toddler have a meltdown in the grocery store, your eight year old get reprimanded by his soccer coach for goofing around on the field, or your early teen completely ignore your request to put their crap away is enough to trigger the most seasoned and dedicated parent.