Supporting Children, Youth, and Families in Greater Vancouver since 1990

Marnie Goldberg, MC, RCC

One of the most exciting aspects of life is that it is always changing, yet this can also be one of our biggest challenges. Change can be difficult as it can cause stress, uncertainty, and confusion. It can make us question ourselves and others and may overwhelm us into inaction.

Marnie believes that having someone to talk to who will listen and guide you through these tough times is so helpful. She is particularly drawn to working with people who are experiencing grief and loss. Grief can be experienced because of death but also divorce, loss of a job, loss of identity or any major life transition. She has been through many life phases herself and has experienced counselling in a Hospice Society setting.

She will walk with you as you experience a variety of emotions, acknowledging that everyone handles grief in their own unique way. Your work together will be comforting and supportive using a wide variety of therapeutic techniques chosen specifically for your work together. She will work with you collaboratively at your own pace and will provide a safe, comfortable, and nonjudgmental space.

Marnie holds a Master Degree in Counselling from City University of Seattle in Canada and is a Registered Clinical Counsellor with the British Columbia Association of Clinical Counsellors.

To book a free consultation, use this link.

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